Saturday, June 20, 2009

More stuff going on...

Well, I've been busy... Mum visited a couple of weeks back, my friend S is over this weekend and my mate L is planning on coming down in the week. All in all it's keeping me busy, so I don't mind. Having someone else in the house means I think less about things and have to concentrate on being the hostess and friend rather than the battered, depressed person that I can easilly become on my own.

I've been pretty bad of late, self harming and wishing I could just switch off and not wake up for a year or so. I also have been trying to contend with the morbid fascination with watching my own blood dripping off me and failing rather badly, it has to be said. I had to take a couple of trips to the doctor as well as making a few phone calls to my shrink just to try and stay sane for five minutes at a time. Sadly it wasn't always successful... Why is it I hit my worst patches on a weekend when the doctors is shut and the shrinks is too?

Ah well... I'll work on it...


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