Saturday, April 11, 2009

More rubbish

Well, there's not much going on here other than the continuing tidy of my new home... I keep finding rubbish in amongst the boxes and have been throwing out stuff left, right and centre. When all's said and done though, I've done pretty well on the sorting and throwing. I decided to be fairly strict with myself and have chucked stuff I really don't need, like old christmas cards from workmates I can hardly remember and that sort of thing.

So far I think I've chucked about ten binbags of crap out. How good am I? I still seem to have too much stuff, but then again, that's my perennial problem. Besides, a lot of it is sewing things, so therefore decidedly not rubbish. I do have a couple of boxes of stuff that's not mine lurking around, but those will get shoved in the loft until such times as they can be got rid of out of my house.

My new place is fantastic... I didn't have heating for a couple of weeks, but a hot water bottle and extra blanket solved that easilly enough, and I boiled the kettle for hot water, so it was no great hardship. I can't remember if I've already described the place, but... well, if I have, read it again...

As you come in the door, you come straight into the kitchen. It's not particularly huge, but big enough for just me now that I've slimmed down a few things and been given a couple of bits of storage to put the rest in. The house is L shaped, with the kitchen on the top of the L and the hall running from kitchen to living room along the long line of the house. As you come along the hall, there's the bathroom, with bath and shower (electric, so I at least could have a shower while having no hot water or heating...) and enough space for my indoor plants, towel shelves and the cat tray, then there's what's supposed to be my dining room, but I'm usung it as the bedroom, as it's at the back of the house, small, cosy and above all, fairly quiet. That bit is the start of the bottom of the L, so is the full width of the house minus the width of the hall...

My living room is HUGE in comparison to the old flat... It's 13 feet by 14 feet with a bay window looking out the front of the house. The great thing is that I'm not overlooked by anyone, as I have a car park right across the road, and all you can really see are the trees and things at the back of it. It has a chimney breast wall too, and I have livened that up with a fake fire... I found a cast iron night grate in the loft and put it in the centre of the chimney wall, then filled it with grey silk and red and white fairly lights, so it looks pretty nice. There's enough space for my three-piece suite (bought from e-bay for a tenner... Much cheapness!) and I'm going to have a smallish dining table tucked in a corner. I have a breakfast pedastal table and two folding chairs in the kitchen for when it's just me, but if I have mum and dad over, it would be nice to be able to sit at the table for meals.

Upstairs (yes, I have an upstairs... how cool am I?) there's the loft space over my bedroom, accessed through the "pixie" door, which is about half the size of a normal door and you have to squeeze in past the other chimney breast to get into the loft proper. No big stuff going in there I fear! Opposite, above the living room, is what's supposed to be the master bedroom, but I am going to use it as a guest room when I have people staying, and a sewing room all other times. I already have the Victorian day bed up there, and will hopefully add a futon double sofa bed if I can get one cheaply enough. It will mean I can have places to sit or have guests sitting as I'm doing costume fittings, as well as having somewhere for guests to stay over rather than me vacating my bed or guests having to sleep on the floor or the furniture.

How come when I had a three bedroom house I didn't have space for guests, but now I have a technically one-bedroom house, I have space for 5 guests once I get the futon and if I sleep on the sofa? Even if I don't vacate my bed when I get the futon, I can have 4 guests, such as my two friends and their two kids sharing the day bed... I can have more if people want to sleep on the floor too... Party at mine?

Anyway, I just need to get on with making curtains and bits and pieces for the house. I have a lovely sari I bought recently for the massive sum of £3 which is going to be a fantastic bedspread and cushion covers for the day bed. It's silk too. Anyone want any Asian clothing, just let me know... I can get it much cheapness round here! I have a nice collection myself these days, all for cheap prices and I wear them too when I feel like it. I have a gorgeous sari that I've worn out for dinner a couple of times (another £3 bargain) and another that was more expensive (£8) which is the sari version of a wedding dress that I plan to make into a baby gown. It's absolutely gorgeous fine white silk with gold beads sewn all over it and gorgeous gold (real gold...) red and green embroidery on the hems and a 3 foot deep border on the fall (the bit that hangs over the left shoulder). It's a project I'm looking forward to. I have to do victorian costumes first...

Well, my house is getting there. I have a few more boxes to sort, the sewing room to organise and then I'm done. My house is even fairly tidy despite the boxes and things, because I've been trying not to get too much stuff all over the place if I can help it. The sewing room is a bit of a tip though, as there's loads of bags of material, boxes of stuff and all my sewing rubbish just piled up any old how waiting for organisation to hit. That's next week's project, as I will have nothing else to occupy me...

Bear is off on his hols with the family next week, so no Bear, no internet, no distractions... I can just be getting on with things. Apart from everything else, I was given my aunt's latest book, and I'm desperate to read it, although I've promised myself that I won't till I'm organised and everything in the living room has been tidied away. Motivational reading material...

Ooooh, nearly forgot my garden... It's doing very well with everything coming away lovely. Spring is nice in the garden, and I'm really happy to have mine all out there for me to look after. I thought some might have snuffed it, as I wasn't around for a month to water and care for them, but they don't seem any worse off for it.

Right, m'off again... Once I find my power lead for the computer I might write more blogs, but it's in a box somewhere... The joys of moving, but at least it's a lovely house.


Blogger Angel - Having a Nemesis said...

It all sounds very lovely!

How exactly am I to get in touch with you? Email me please, I've not been able to get word to/from you in ages, and it is frankly annoying. I need contact info, woman!

1:46 am  
Blogger Jen said...

Hey you! I agree with what Angel said! And I'm glad things are coming together.
You can come use my internet :)

4:30 pm  

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