Saturday, October 25, 2008

Still Alive...

Yep, I still exist. I still don't have the internet, but I don't really miss it. I've been so busy with one thing or another of late I haven't even made it to the Library recently, and nor have I managed to type anything worthwhile on my computer either.

Well, I say I've been busy... I've mostly been trying to sort out things for the holiday I had recently (more about that another time) and generally trying to make my house habitable again. I've failed miserably on that one, which means I get really miserable because my house is a tip, so a couple of days last week I lived in my bedroom, only coming out to go to the toilet or fetch food.

I went for a job recently too... Just a part-time thing doing 14 hours a week as a seamstress, but that fell flat, because I was away on my hols while the woman was seeing people, so the job had gone before I even got interviewed. Great, huh? So I'm still unemployed and feeling more shitty because of the job thing and not feeling great about my skills again. Not to worry, I have small jobs lined up in the sewing department that will keep me busy enough at home, although they won't be leaving me flush with cash.

I hate being skint. I've been getting used to it, but it's still not a great way to live. I'd much rather have a wee bit more cash in my pocket every month and be able to just go and buy the material I need for all the jobs I have rather than having to do one, get paid, do another, get paid, do another... you can see a pattern... I'm thinking I may have to move out of my wee flat to somewhere cheaper, but that thought fills me with dread, because I'd have to pack up my life once again, just when I was starting to sort things out. The problem is that the benefits I get to pay for my rent don't cover it, so half of the money that's supposed to be for me to live on each week has to go towards the shortfall. I can't keep up with things the way it is, and it's not going to get any better over time either. My only option at the moment is to move.

For the record, I'm still sick, still stuck in my flat for too many hours a week, have the social life of a dead dog and generally hate life at the moment. I'll get over it as soon as things improve. I just wish that would be sooner rather than later.


Blogger Wild Cat said...

I've been bad at keeping in touch - sorry :o(

Says the Teacher in me : I must try harder!



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