Monday, July 28, 2008


Well, two weeks at Beltring happened. I sort of had fun some of the time, but other times weren't so great. I'm not going to elaborate or go over stuff that can't be changed, so don't ask. Suffice to say my shrink is going to have kittens when I see him on Wednesday. I was considering having a nervous breakdown tomorrow (my parents are overnighting tonight, so I can't do it till they've gone) but I might wait till I can see the shrink and ask his opinion on it. I bet you a pound he reckons it's a bad idea...

Anyway, I'm at the library doing the net thing as I still don't have internet, television or even a landline in my house. I just wanted to post on here so friends didn't think I'd dropped off the planet. I'm still here, but not so great.


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