Monday, August 11, 2008


I'm tired. It's half midnight as I start writing this and I really could do with some kip. Sadly although I'm tired, I'm not sleepy. I will have to take one of my sleeping tablets for that to happen.

I'm currently in Wales visiting friends. They've long since gone to bed leaving me here on the net just mooching around. I wasn't originally going to come, because I need to see the doc and get some more meds, but I can probably get them here from the local doctor on a temporary resident thing. I'm also a little anxious because I'm away from home again, and that sort of thing has my nerves a bit on edge lately. I have my little teddy bear with me though, so I at least have something to keep me a little sane. My Bear is at his place and will be feeding and watering the animals while I'm not home, so they're being looked after while I'm away.

It's funny really... When I'm home I can think of loads to say, but being away from home has me all clammed up. Ah well, short post for a change... Things will get back to normal once I get home.

Thought for today: I need a hug...


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