Friday, August 08, 2008

Another day…

Another blog to bore the pants off you good people who are daft enough to want to read this stuff…

Well, what can I say? I hope the Bear managed to put that pic on my last blog entry and I hope you all liked it. I was pleased as punch when I saw little B in her gown, and she seemed to like it too. Cute as a button, ain’t she?

As you may or may not be able to tell, things are a little more upbeat here in the one-bedroom flat at the furthest edge of the universe from any excitement. There’s little or nothing going on here as per usual, but I’m having a very cheerful day. My pessimistic side doesn’t expect it to last, so enjoy it while you can, people.

So far today I have done about the sum total of nothing other than the usual daily chores that fall to those who live on their own and don’t have someone else to make the tea occasionally. I should really be doing some work, but it’s kinda late and I don’t like disturbing my downstairs neighbour with my sewing machines after about 8 in the evening. I could be cutting out some cushion covers that I have to make for my florist friend downstairs, but meh, I’m feeling idle.

Well, I just had a great chat with my mate in Wales, which was an absolute scream. I relayed the events with the temazepam in a completely comic fashion and we were both in stitches (my description of me wandering around like a zombie trying to do stuff while the Bear was trying to get me to lie down in bed before I fell down had her practically beating the carpet… She knows me well enough to understand the why) and it was really good to talk to her. I have also been asked to be Matron of Honour at her wedding blessing next year, which I’m really pleased about, although I’m going to be making the dresses I think. Oh well, at least it might keep me out of mischief.

I’ve also got to get to the doctors sooner rather than later. My other doctor has basically told me to go away since I don’t live in their catchment area, so I have to register at another practice, which is a pain in the butt frankly. I’m a bit short of my antidepressants since they only gave me a normal month’s supply, but then said I had to double the dose, so that’s not good. That might be what’s causing my current permanent grin. I’m certainly too bloody chirpy by half today with all that’s been going on recently, so I shall see what the doc thinks once I can get in to see one. Don’t hold your breath…

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

Men… Who’d have them? I phoned Paul earlier and he was just home, so I apologised and said I wouldn’t disturb and that was that. I sent a text after a suitable period of time apologising again, saying I thought it was later than it was, and if he was free for a chat to let me know. Nothing… Not a word from him. Mind you, I don’t really expect it to be honest, because he’s still Mr Grumpy-Chops about me not phoning him on Sunday. I was only going to say out of courtesy that we have plans to go down tomorrow hopefully to start sorting out my crap in the garage and that we would hopefully not be there by the time he got home unless he wanted me to hang around for any reason. Well, you never know… Anyway, I shall contact him tomorrow if we are on our way down, just to let him know, and I’ll probably take a couple of things of his that I have here back to him as well, because I’m nice like that. The only problem there would be that I can’t post a mug through his letterbox and I was going to ask the neighbours if I could keep the garage keys till I can get everything sorted and shifted, just to make it easier since they’re not always there. That means I wouldn’t be able to leave any of his things in the garage for him either… I’m also presuming there must be some mail in the house for me as well, so it would be nice to find out what’s still going there and get it redirected.

Call me stupid (I can hear the chorus already, so don’t you lot start…) but I wouldn’t mind seeing him and speaking to him anyway…

Well, that was Tuesday and now it’s Thursday. Still a bit too chipper to be anything approaching sane, but it’s all good. It’s better than being a miserable cow anyway. Well, apart from anything else I turned my living room into something resembling the wake of a tornado. I’ve been sorting through boxes of material, paperwork and goodness knows what else. I found old cards from my birthdays, old letters from my first husband when we were courting (and god, were they sweet. He’s a lovely bloke, and it was nice to take a wee stroll down memory lane again) and I found about a million photographs, most of which I had forgotten about with several pics of various exes over the years. Isn’t it strange to look back at people you’ve gone out with and think, “Oh my god, did I ever go out with that?” or “Wow… Well, I can see why I fancied the arse off him!” My first husband had long hair back then, and now has it short. If you’re reading this, keep it short Baby Dragon, because it suits you a lot better but you’re still cute! Oh, and you’re still a few sandwiches short of a picnic for marrying me in the first place… hehehe Love you really Baby Dragon!

One of my exes, PN, was a very, very, VERY gorgeous bloke, and I still think on my time with him with fondness. We didn’t always get on too well, but I remember going sailing, playing golf (badly on my part) and knocking about with his little brother and sister a lot. We had fun… I’ve always kept a photo of him in my wallet for no really good reason other than to show off what a gorgeous bloke I went out with when I was many years younger and for an occasional smile at fond memories. I found loads of photos of him today, and they really brought a smile to my face remembering having the photos taken or taking them of him.

So many photos and so many memories… I really need to sort them out at some point, but it’s something I’ll get to in the end. Will probably need about twenty albums to put them all in if I don’t junk some of the more obscure or pointless ones.

I still have some boxes to sort through, but I’m on strike for the time being. Can’t be bothered… Or rather don’t want to spoil my good mood with some of the things in there… I was getting a bit emotional yesterday finding some of the things that have been thrown into the garage for me to have or just because Paul doesn’t want them any more, but I’m going to have to face the rest of it sooner or later. There’s still loads to fetch and I have no idea where it’s all going to go in my wee flat. I think a lot of it will end up going to charity shops just because I don’t have space. I need a bigger house!

On that note, I’ve actually been looking at house prices round here, just out of interest really. It looks like, if I get a decent enough job and a regular income, I may well be able to afford a fairly decent house, especially if I have a sizable enough deposit to put down. I was speaking to Paul last night on the phone about homes and suchlike and telling him that my wee flat still doesn’t feel enough like home. That’s probably because it’s not actually mine, just rented from someone else, so it would be nice to be able to have my own house. I’d probably need three bedrooms: one for me, one for guests and one as a sewing room, and there’s a few on the market at the moment that aren’t too expensive. We’ll see what I can afford once I’m thinking about it seriously though. I’d still like to live around here, purely because there’s the rag market in the city centre, and it’s fairly easy to get to from here. I know, I’m obsessed with my material and sewing, but maybe one day I will make my fortune at it! Yeah… Stop laughing…

First thing on the agenda though is to get my medical problems sorted. Until that happens, I can’t get a job, and if I don’t have a job, I can’t buy a house… You all still owe me a quid though, so if you’d actually manage to send the cash through, I might be able to afford a house on the proceeds… I’ll invite you all to the housewarming party as long as you bring your own booze. I’m Scottish. Live with the inbred stinginess.

Tomorrow I will be doing some very special laundry… I got my gowns back! I now have five very creased and slightly musty-smelling christening gowns awaiting my care and attention, so tomorrow will be silk wash in the machine, hang on hangars to dry, then out with the iron and into suit bags to keep them pristine. I’ve a couple of finishing touches to put on a couple and then I’ll be hoping to sell them. If anyone wants a christening gown, you know where to find me!

On another note, I’ve also offered to do up window displays for the florist downstairs. He has some mannequins that I can make stuff for, and then when the display gets changed, I can launder and sell the bits I’ve made. Plus I get free advertising by having my stuff in his window as well! With any luck, nice window displays will increase his trade too, so everyone wins. With Christmas season coming up (yeah, I know, we’re just in August, but the retail trade starts early) I may have to make some festive bits and pieces for him, and he occasionally does teddies for arrangements for new baby arrivals, so I may be able to make some toys and baby bits for him too. We shall see. I’m just trying to keep out of mischief here, and doing some sewing should be good therapy for me. Now I have a lot of my sewing things back, life should be a lot easier on that score anyway. It’s bliss having my material (well a lot of it anyway, as I know there are some bits still missing) back, and I’ve just organised it into colours (reds, blues, greens, golds, white oddments, white gown material and black dress fabric) so that might make life a little easier when looking for things. I have all my patterns too, so watch this space for progress reports…

Anyway, it’s getting late, I need a cuppa and a painkiller (I’ve just started a headache, probably from lack of sleep) and I think I’m going to lie down in bed and try to get my creative mind working on a dress design… I spotted some material while sorting through, and I’d really like to make a spectacular christening gown with it. All I have to do now is design it so it doesn’t turn out being too overdone… I’ll keep you posted.

I think I need a scanner… That way I could scan in designs for you lovely people to get bored with as well as my wittering on about nothing in particular. Now the Bear has worked out technology to a point where he can post pics for me on here… Well, let’s just say that you’ve been warned…

A short while later…

The Bear just turned up and didn’t even make me a cup of tea… I had to do it. Lazy sod… Anyway, I’ll get him to post this for me.

For the record guys, my husband will be my ex husband as soon as my solicitor can get everything done around all the other work he’s got going on. I doubt Paul will be the bloke I married ever again and that’s just something I’ll have to deal with and learn to live with. I’ll love the man I married as much as I ever did, but the Paul that’s there now just isn’t that man.

I love you guys too for the record, especially the crazy Canadian lady and her evil twin who is not in full control of his faculties. Larry, please keep that pair in line for the sake of everyone’s sanity! And Puss, don’t let the kids drive you too nuts. Bear sends his love too (except to Sims… I think it’s more a sort of manly handshake thing going on there… I hope…)


Blogger Wild Cat said...

Hi ya!
I've got a spare scanner sitting under my bed if you want it...? It's a few years old, but works fine :o)

Digged the groovy paper btw, response will be coming... honestly..... soon LOL

1:52 pm  
Blogger half1113 said...

I love you mags. I may not be in constant contact. I blame the kid. She sucks the life out of me.

I will do my best to keep the three of you in line. :)

3:28 pm  

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