Saturday, May 24, 2008

So far...

Well, I finished the gown for my Cousin's baby and she is picking it up from my mum and dad tomorrow. I've also managed to make a couple of others from various bits of material I have kicking around (did I mention that the rag market is DIRT CHEAP!?!?!) and I've been knitting on and off.

Other than that, things are fairly quiet. I have three hamsters now, with Midge, the runt of the litter of babies now living with his dad. There were eight babies in the end, four of each, with two plain golden girls, and two grey girls, three gold and white boys and Midge, the creamy grey and white boy. The babies were sold to a local pet shop, and the money from that basicall pays for the upkeep of the parents. Self-sustaining pets are the best. I have also retained one of the moggies as a companion through the day, what with the hampers being all nocturnal. Mouse is now my little shadow, and loves spending time with his mummy... He sleeps on the bed with me every night, loafs on the sofa with me while I read, takes up most of the sofa when I'm sewing and people-watches out the window from his vantage point on the back of the sofa.

I also have a bit of a garden out on the balcony... Well a couple of pots with things in... I have a pot with a bit of a field in it because it had a pretty flower in it and my mate is threatening to plough the field it was in. I also "rescued" a rose (wild variety) from aditch at the side of a road somewhere, along with a couple of ferns. I've been "talking a leaf" out of my mother's book... literally. Oh, I also have a tiny oak tree that's very pretty and was in a clump of brambles that we were digging through.

The reason we were digging through the undergrowth (Bear and I) was because we were doing a bit of Military Archaeology... Well, we were doing some field research on a couple of WWII sites around our area, trying to pinpoint locations of gun emplacements and suchlike on an anti-aircraft site. There were many cries of "I think it's over here" with the reply of "No it's not, you shithead, it's HERE" followed by giggles and an outbreak of childish shite till we agreed that it wasn't in either place... We've managed to map out where buildings and guns were so far, and we are hoping to be able to dig a few little bits to test our theories. It's really nice to get out and into the fresh air, having something to use the old brain to work out sites, locations and what's there, as well as having a very easy-going banter and chat while theorising about placements and suchlike. I just have to avoid the sunburn!

In other news, I've managed to find a really nice local shop who will take in my christening gowns as and when I make them and sell them for me, which will be a nice wee help with the finances, although I'm not going to turn into a millionaire overnight! I'm probably not going to sell a huge number through the shop anyway, and any money made will be put back into making more gowns and paying a couple of bills off. Nothing huge, and I checked with the Employment Agency about doing it, and as far as they're concerned, as long as I'm not earning a regular wage or raking in huge profits, they're not bothered. Their threshold is about 80 quid a week income before it affects benefit, and to be honest, if I make that I'll be very, very lucky. At least it keeps me out of mischief, and I spend a good deal of time actually designing something different in the christening gowns, so that none of them will come out the same as any others. The way I buy material, there's never going to be two the same anyway... I love designing them almost more than I like making them. I don't know whether I like selling them, simply because I've only ever given them away so far!

Ah well, it's late and I really need to try and get some sleep. I've not had a full night's sleep for more than a month or two and it's beginning to take it's toll. I still nightmare a bit, but mostly it's just my body thinking it ought to be awake after about three hours sleep, then it decides it has to wake up hourly thereafter. Every so often I just don't bother getting out of bed except for food and the essential visits to the loo and try to catch up on the naps in between. I think I managed about 4 hours one afternoon - the longest sleep I've had in ages. Even the sleeping tablets aren't working too well, but I need to see the doc anyway, so I'll have a word with her about them then.

Time for bed said Zebedee!! BOING!


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