Monday, May 28, 2007

Stopped Procrastinating

And finally finished the bits I've been making for my cousin. She is due her first baby this week, and I have completed a blankie, a duck and a whale for said small thing. Now all I have to do is get them wrapped and put in the post. That's a job for tomorrow I think, since I will need to go to the post office to get something to put it all in.

I still have an impressive list of things that I need to do. I have a cloak to make still, and a corset to take in, then there's a jacket needing buttons moved, patches sewn on and cuffs turned up. I have a leather corset to mend as well while I'm at it, and have just been asked to mend a 14th century jerkin and come up with a draught excluder for a tent of the same era. I'm not short of a few jobs to keep me occupied as you can see.

Himself on the other hand has no such industrious leanings. He's just been introduced to a new game by one of my friends from Wales and seems to be enjoying it. It's not trains and has some fairly soothing music, so I don't mind it. I don't understand it (as I generally don't when it comes to games like that) but I don't really have to, and as long as he is happy, that's fine by me.

He is currently asleep, fully dressed, on the bed. He fell into bed about 2 hours ago, just after dinner. We left M&Ms late last night and it was a tough drive home through pouring rain and howling wind, with some trees down that needed to be navigated round. By the time we got home, he decided he wasn't going to bed, as there wasn't really the time before he had to be up for work this morning, so he's been up since ten yesterday morning. He's having tomorrow off as well, trying to get the dentist to have a look at one of his fillings which fell out yesterday and his tooth has been giving him considerable grief.

I am now off to fall into the shower, then crawl into bed and get some sleep before getting up at half six tomorrow morning to start the whole get up, go to work, come home, do some sewing, go to bed, get up... cycle again.

Work sucks by the way. I've been told I've done something wrong, but there's no specifics over exactly what it is or how I can make a difference to what it is I have or haven't done... Let's just say I'm considering looking for another job, because I'm on a fixed term contract anyway and if they're not renewing it, I'm going to need some other source of income. I won't know if they're renewing for another week either, and even if they do, it will only be extended for three months...

Job security anyone? Bleah...

Anyway, now I'm back to procrastinating, because I'm sat here instead of going for a shower or starting another sewing thing I have to do so I can scratch it off my list. I should take pics of the baby stuff so I can post it here for people to see... Or even to use as advertising for similar items to be sold as part of my business... We shall see.


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