Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Procrastination strikes again...

Yeah, I'm supposed to be doing something else, but hey. I'll get to it later.

Procrastination is a wonderful thing, until it comes to deadlines. I do seem to work better when I have a close deadline, but I should plan ahead more and do things before the last minute. I'll work on that one...

Tonight I'm sat here on my own again while himself is off at work. 12 hour nights. I get custody of the remote for the telly, although that's nothing unusual if I'm being honest. I have nothing planned to watch, which is good, since I'm going to try getting some sewing done.

Being on my own and doing my own things are becoming a bit of a theme for me. It's good in a way, because if I feel like going off to see friends (lunch on Saturday- good example there) I don't really have to worry too much. I've faced the facts that himself is hardly around, what with work and stuff, and even on his weekends off, he has a tendency to have things planned to be doing either here or elsewhere. If he's not doing those things, he can be found on his computer, so I'm pretty much left to my own devices anyway.

The down side of that is that I do sometimes feel rather lonely. Lonely is not the same as alone, because I can be in a crowded room and still feel a bit cut off from what's going on around me. I sit at home sometimes and feel like I'm being excluded from things too, because stuff gets hidden or passed over. Exclusion breeds resentment, and then I get frustrated, and then communication breaks down. It's a bit of a downward spiral that has an explosive end, as has been blogged in the past. These days I can feel when I'm in that spiral, but even though I know I'm here, I can't work out how to get out of it.

Comunication works, but to be honest, it only works so far. It's important as well to have comprehension, empathy and compromise in any dialogue, but there has to be a sense of calm too. If one side is getting stressed, then there's no point in starting a dialogue unless you take a big dose of empathy into account and try to de-stress the situation. Seeing things from the other point of view can be a bit of an eye-opener, as I have learned, and sometimes what people think you mean isn't always what you really said... It all gets a bit complicated after that.

I'm in a weird place right now. I know what I would like, but don't know how to get it. It's a puzzle that needs solving, and I'm sure a solution will present itself in due course. For the time being though, I shall remain preoccupied with stuff and procrastinate about doing things, partly because the preoccupation makes it hard to concentrate fully and partly because I'm good at procrastinating.


Blogger jadedww said...

Might be of some interest :-)

3:40 pm  
Blogger Me said...

Thank you for the link. Apologies for the delay in replying, but I've been procrastinating on the West Coast of Scotland for a week :)

8:02 pm  

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