Sunday, April 22, 2007


We finally got round to having a look in the junk room and doing something about it today... I couldn't believe it when I sat and thought about it after we had done as much as was possible in one day...

Four big bags of rubbish are going to the tip this week. Four of them. Plus a couple of boxes filled with more rubbish. There's some stuff being kept, but it seems that the majority of the junk in the junk room was actually just... well, junk really. Empty computer game boxes, dead videos, really old and knackered audio tapes, papers that aren't worth keeping any more... So much accumulation of junk it's unbelievable.

It's still not properly cleared enough for it to be turned into a sewing room. Not by a long way. There's still much that needs done, a few rearrangements to the furniture for a start, so that it's a good place to work. It will get there eventually...

Today was also gloriously sunny, so the weeks wash got done, plus a few bits that turned up in the junk room, like an impressive beer towel collection. I have been set the task of turning the beer towels into a big towel. Shouldn't be too difficult, really. It's a good job I'm good at jigsaw puzzles and maths, so I can work out how all the different sizes will fit together properly. He was thinking of doing it himself, but he's not that good with a needle and thread. Good job I'm a dab hand when it comes to sewing really!

Well, next weekend I have the house all to myself... Well, almost. I might have a friend over next Sunday to catch up on what he's been up to. He used to come over a lot a few years back, but it dropped off a bit as he hit his teens, and now he's all of sixteen and wants to spend Sunday catching up with life, the universe and everything. It'll be good to see him again anyway, and I can tell him off for all the stuff he's been up to as well as laughing at some of his escapades.

I've also arranged a possible lunch meet with a friend on Saturday, which should be a laugh. Another teenager that treats me like his mum, although he's bringing his girlfriend along as well. If either of them calls me "Mum" in the pub, I'll smack him... heh. OK, so I'm technically old enough, but that's not the point!

I also need to start thinking about packing for my holidays. A whole week with the parents, and I'm taking my mate with me. We are going up for the Jazz Festival weekend, as he used to do all the Jazz clubs in London in his younger days. It should be a grand trip out, and I'm even saccrificing the use of the front bedroom for him, since it has gorgeous views out over the sea. I'll be in my sister's old room, since my old room got turned into the parents' junk room just about as soon as I moved out. Do you think they were trying to tell me something?

Anyway, it should be a blast. This is it if anyone wants a sneaky peek:

It will be lovely to be home for a week and I'm sure my mate will love it. I can see him ending up going there on his own to stay with the parents on other occasions and I'm fairly sure they won't mind. He's a wee bit older than them, but they like the same sort of music and stuff, so it should be a laugh sitting chatting with them. We're even going on one of the cruises on the saturday, so that should be lovely. Especially if the weather is nice, like it usually is for the Jazz Festival. I shall report back fully on my return anyway...

Ah well, that's about all for now. I know, not too exciting, but I'm not living a daredevil life. I think I like the peaceful bits.


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