Monday, April 30, 2007


Of the clothing variety, not guns, before any of you funny wrong-side-of-the-ponders get the wrong idea... Amazing isn't it, the way one language has taken on so many different meanings over the years, decades and centuaries?

Remind me to come back to that one...

Anyway, I'm packing for a trip home! I'm heading back to the land of my childhood scrapes, scars, bumps, stings and other various injuries. Back to the country where I grew up believing my knees did not have skin attached, just scabs. I plan to make a nuicance of myself when my dad tries to read the newspaper, as I always did, and to poke about in the garden with mum. She's great. You ask her what a plant is and it's "Oh, that's a... erm... a... yes... it has wee leaves... little purple flowers in summer... grows like a weed.... I got it from... *wherever* when we went there with *insert random friend here*... erm... I'll have to look it up". She can tell you what they look like, what type of soil they like, whether they like sun or shade... Just can't for the life of her remember the name of it.

I think I've got just about everything, although you can guarantee there will be something that I neglect to take with me. As long as it's something I can get on the Island, I'm not that bothered though. I refuse to make lists of things to pack. When I do that, I always pack too much. I usually pack too much anyway, but I've been very frugal with myself this time. I have two pairs of jeans though, only because one might get dirty, and I like my jeans. Four pairs of shoes (work shoes, as I will be wearing them anyway, trainers for skagging about in, spiky boots if I feel like going out in heels and clogs for poking about up the garden with mum), enough undies to last me without washing them, plus one in case of stranding/emergency and 4 t-shirts and 3 nice blouses, in case I have to go anywhere that requires one. Oh, and ONE jumper. I'm only taking the one coat as well, the one I will be wearing. I even remembered to pack a phone charger. Always a good plan, especially if himself and I get down to one of our marathon text sessions again.

He's going to be home alone for a week. He won't know what to do with himself, as he'll have no one cluttering up the house, rattling about in the kitchen, bugging him in the computer room, and, more importantly, no one to steal the duvet from. I don't know how he will cope with the last one... heh.

I was terribly productive over the weekend though... Took up a dress for D at work and made a pair of shool trousers for C. They're a bit big, so I will have to alter them when I get back. On top of that, I still haven't done the corset or cloak, so M will be a bit dis-chuffed if I don't have them done by the weekend I'm over there. I have visions of me doing the last bits of hand sewing on the train on the way...

Right, must press on. Things to do, stuff to pack, things to forget to put in my case. I'll get to the bit about words and meanings when I get back. I'd bring you a stick of rock, but you wouldn't like it. Honest...


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