Sunday, April 15, 2007

Life and all that...

Well, just came back from a lovely weekend away in the valleys of Wales staying with a couple of my good friends. We had a laugh, went out for a boogy in one of the local pub/clubs and generally just mooched.

It's good to be home though. I have a hundred and one things still needing done, like some washing and other exciting things like that, but I also now have a project to get done before I head back into the depths of Wales again.

Well, going back to the weekend- what a weekend that was! We were considering going to a Burlesque night at the local Rock club on Saturday, but S was skint, and so was M, so that never happened. It's no biggie though, because there's another one coming up that we are going to be more organised about planning to go to. Last minute things have a habit of falling off the to do list these days, because everyone's skint! It should be a good night, although before we head down to it, I have a corset to take in for M, who is ever-shrinking, as well as a claok to put together for her. Black velvet with a lovely red satin liner. Both materials a pig to work with. Thanks a lot M!!! Remind me to give you cutting and sewing lessons! Tee hee.

So that's the projects between now and the next visit. With the new machine, the cloak is going to be a piece of cake to put together, so that's OK. Making the corset smaller will be more of a challenge, but I know how I'm going to do it, I just have to make sure that the stitching is all secure enough, because corsetry takes a lot of strain. Looks damned good though, so it's all good at the end of the day.

What else...

Well, things with himself are getting back on track. We had a good chat, which was nice, and managed to start solving some of the problems we've been having. A little bit of thinking about what was said, a little weighing up of thoughts before replying to anything, and it seemed to work. We have things to think about and options to consider, but we are talking, and that's a start. Progress is being made, and I have to say I couldn't be more pleased about it. There was one minor hiccup, but there was no shouting or arguing, no tears before bedtime, and a little bit of talking saw it sorted.

I tell you, I couldn't wait to get home and give him a hug, but he's managed to pull his shoulder muscle again and was in a bit of pain. Plus he was just back from the hospital after gashing his finger on a bit of glass. Apparently there was blood everywhere. Wee lamb has a big bandage on his finger now, but he was a brave boy at the hospital and didn't complain. I was disgusted that the nurse didn't give him a lolly and an "I've been brave today" sticker... The NHS is just going down the pan, I tell you. Hee heee

I spent a couple of hours just massaging his shoulder muscle, and it seems to have eased a little, but it will probably need more massage and the Ibuleve Gel (anti-inflamatory cream) probably didn't hurt either... He's off to work now grumbling about long hours and idiots on the roads and I'll see him in the morning in time to make a cuppa, rub some more gel into his shoulder and then get myself off to work while he heads off to fall into bed. Maybe by the time the weekend rolls around again he will be fit enough for that hug!

Well, that's about it for the moment. I'm feeling optimistic about the future and a few things have been ironed out, settled and one or two things that needed to be said by both have been said. No arguments, no screaming or throwing things, a minor disagreement, but that was quickly solved by us agreeing we were both getting stressed and it was better left for the time being. We went and did something else (his shoulder) and had a laugh about other things that happened over the weekend.

It's getting there. Slowly, but it's a start, and long may it continue.


Blogger Angel - Having a Nemesis said...

Here here.

You've reminded me to look for a job. High time I got back into it.

10:06 pm  

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