Monday, October 23, 2006

Here we go again...

Can't even have a decent moan about stuff now without someone complaining about it. See comment on previous blog entry for details. I'm going to leave it there for the general viewing public to have a look at. I have to wonder why said person bothered to create an identity, post a few comments then post a blog dedicated to complaining about the fact that some blogs are just there to let off steam, vent some frustrations, say what's bugging you without having to stand face to face with someone and say it.

Here's the person who thinks they're better than everyone. Forgive me for the crude link, but I'm computer-illiterate, as has been mentioned before.

I like my blog. I can say what I mean without having to dress it up in fancy words to please the person who is listening. If you don't like my blog, don't read it. Simple really. I won't get offended if you flick off and read something else. Hell, I don't even know if you flick off and read something else. It's catharsis, not me sitting on my arse doing nothing about the things I'm complaining about. Actually blogging it means I'm doing something. not just accepting it and moving on. I'm challenging myself when I put it down in an entry. I'm not seeking answers from people out there (although suggestions and comments are welcome), I'm seeking answers from myself that I can get by reading what I've written in the past.

Why is it seen as self-pity? I don't moan about it to people I talk to when I'm actually conversing, not just writing a blog. That's the whole point. I'm damn sure I'm not the only one who feels like this either. I talk to people every day, and I rarely mention half the stuff I put in here unless I'm asked, but then I don't put it so bluntly. I have no need for fancy trimmings on here. This is me, stripped bare of the conventions of the world and left to talk to myself.

Perhaps the person mentioned above only read one entry, one where, yes, I was feeling a bit down in the mouth. Did he bother to read the other ones? I sincerely doubt it given that one comment and the subsequent entry. It must be so nice to be him and have a perfect life, but to be honest, I would rather be me with all my ups and downs, failures and triumphs than to have a bland existance, keeping up with the neighbours and having to be perfect every day. I have my faults that I admit to, my failings that I'm not ashamed of, but I also have my triumphs and my interestingly funny moments.

I am human and I act like it. Should we all be perfect suburban carbon copies of the perfect person living perfect lives with nothing to taint the perfect image? I think I prefer being me, shitty as it is some times. At least if you have lows, you can have the high points in life rather than a monotony of sameness.

Every day the same? It was, but with every new entry in here that I can go back and look at, I can see that it's not the same. Every day is different. Every milestone I pass is another year of my life, another month, another week, another day when things happen. I've come a long way since I started this blog, a very long way, and I put some of that down to the fact that I can sit here, write my frustrations and then it's done. I've vented. I've got it out of my system. I move on to the next thing rather than brooding on unresolved issues.

Nobody's perfect, and you're a fool if you think differently. You don't have to blog if you don't want to. You don't have to read them if you don't want to, and you especially don't have to comment if you can't be a human being about it.

I'm all for constructive criticism. Don't get me wrong here. Some people just don't know the meaning of it and prefer to just bash anyone and everyone. I hate to do it, but it's a good line from the bible for the critics... "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and I'd like to add to that... "The rest of you can just shut it".


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