Monday, October 16, 2006

Time and Tide waits for no man...

Where has the time gone? It feels like just last week that I opened my business, but it's been a month.

I finally admitted defeat on building my own website. Frankly, I don't think I have the necessary skills for it and that really showed with my pitiful effort. I now have a friend doing the necessary, and he's doing a far better job than I ever could do. Give me material and a sewing machine and I can create beautiful things. Give me a computer and I end up wanting to throw it out the window while creating something that could probably have been done better by the cat.

I've been working though. That's the good news. I joined a temp agency and am now in my fourth week with a company working in the payroll department. It's fun being back in the workplace, but it leaves so little time for anything else and the weeks just disappear. Before, a week would last what seemed like forever. Now it feels like I've hardly started back after the weekend and it's Friday again.

Weekends have been manic as well. We've been all over the place. Himself took me to Wales the weekend before last to retrieve the last of my gowns from my friends' house so I could get them photographed for the website. The weekend just gone, we went to the Secret Policeman's Ball at the Royal Albert Hall in London.

For those that don't know what it is, the Secret Policeman's Ball is a comedy event. It's not the comedy event of the year, because they don't do it every year. The last one was 15 years ago. It's done in aid of Amnesty International, and the tickets sold out in an hour and a half. OK, we didn't get great seats, but we were there, and we saw it. For those who missed it, it will be shown on UK television, Channel 4, sometime in November, and there's a DVD out near to Christmas. Buy it. You won't regret it. If you like comedy, you'll love it. I'm not going to go through who did what and how funny they were, but I will say this: The Natalie Imbruglia section had me in tears I was laughing so much. You can find out more about Amnesty International at their website. I don't know how to put fancy links in, so the address is as follows:

I'm surprised Himself had time off to go see it. Frankly, I think his company are currently overworking him. He's about to start his fourth consecutive week of nights, with a few odd other shifts thrown in just for fun. He's nights this week, nights most of next week, and this weekend coming, I'm going to London to stay with my friend and celebrate his 70th birthday. Himself will have to miss it because of his work. We will see approximately 10 minutes of each other every day while he is working nights. He will get home ten minutes before I leave for work, and by the time I get home, he will more than likely be either heading to the station to catch a train or already on one on his way to work.

Ah well, this week's project in the evenings is a haloween costume for my neighbour. A cowelled cloak with big sleeves for his Death costume to scare the kiddies with. It's all cut and just waiting to be sewn together downstairs. Should have it done by Thursday with any luck. After that... who knows... I have other things to be getting on with including finishing a couple more gowns, doing 8 hour days at work, I also have to squeeze in driving lessons sooner rather than later as well as keeping track of the game players on the MMORPG I help out by Adminning on.

Eventually I may catch up with myself, then wonder what this "free time" lark is all about... I complained a little too loudly about having nothing to do I think...


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