Friday, July 24, 2009

What happened next...

I got a letter from my solicitor yesterday. This is a good thing, because it means the divorce is finally on its way to happening. Paul has finally agreed to go with my divorce petition and has said he doesn't want to contest it, although makes no admissions regarding the contents of my particulars. I plain English that means he hasn't denied that there was domestic violence and abuse. He's just not admitting to it on a legal document.

Moving on to other news...

I just started a new sewing project, although I do have a little bit of work waiting for me. I just needed something to challenge my brain a bit and to get me concentrating. This new project is certainly doing that! So far I have the skirt and sleeves of the dress pinned to my mannequin, but the neckline and the bodice shape is currently evading me. The material is a fantastic shot gold/turquoise with a crinkle finish that has the most amazing embroidery detail on it. It's a sari I bought recently but discovered a couple of tiny rips in the material, so it went for dressmaking instead of wearing. I'm not making the dress in my size though. It's going to be one of the ones I make to sell.

Because I don't use patterns, it means my dresses are all one-offs. I can't make another exactly the same, only similar in shape and so on. I estimate skirt lengths on the waistband, don't measure where pleats go, and cut hems by eye. My mother can't work out how I do it, since she has to use patterns. I suppose it's a talent I have: mum sews, knits, embroiders and paints, where I have channeled most of my creativity into the sewing.

I recently had a friend over to visit, and she bought material for an Asian suit. I made it the same afternoon, just laying the material out on the floor, cutting the shape, and then running it all up on the machine. She was well chuffed about it too, so that made me rather happy.

Oh well... Off to pin some material to my mannequin and see if there's any neckline style I fancy...


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