Monday, February 26, 2007


I feel like I'm waiting for something. I don't know what it is. There's a sense of anticipation and I have no idea why.

It's not work. I have a lot to do, but none of it exciting or that interesting in the grand scheme of things. I have a couple of projects on the go, but nothing that would cause this feeling.

It might be the kitchen. I asked the neighbour if he would do the decorating for me (stripping the last of the wallpaper, puting up a few shelves, painting the walls and getting it all nice) and he said he would. It's easier than waiting for himself to get round to it and will cost me the same in paint, brackets and so on. Himself can't agree on a colour to paint it, so I'll make the decision and that will be that. I like blue. I've been told it's a bathroom colour. I think it will go well with the blonde wood cupboards and the silver appliances personally. A nice pale blue, possible an Azure, like a summer sky colour... maybe a few fluffy clouds thrown in for that nice relaxing touch... I shall discuss it with my "decorator" later. I may even have shelving to put all my spices and herbs on, since they're currently outgrowing my cupboard space and mug racks on the walls for my ever-growing collection... I don't think it's that causing the excitement/anticipation though.

I'm still fighting a losing battle with the mess in the house. I plan to spend more time de-messifying the place over the next few weeks or however long it takes, and perhaps get some semblance of order back into the place. It's going to take some reorganisation of furniture, moving things about, slotting things in here and there, puting up new shelving for things... But it's all stuff that I can get done with the help of my trusty decorator/neighbour.

Yesterday I had a good go at the dining room. I moved stuff, tidied stuff, threw stuff out... and it still looks like a tip. I'm not downhearted though. I know it will look messy till it's nearly tidy again, and I plan to have all of that done in the next week, along with the living room. Himself wasn't around while I was doing my big housework kick. He walked out after yet another discussion on how to get the place sorted out that I instigated turned into a shouting match after he decided "discussion" meant "giving him his orders". I got a little annoyed at that point, then it went from bad to worse. I throw things, I know I do, but it's little things like bits of paper, carrier bags, laundry... Just stuff that won't make a damn bit of difference if it's lying on one surface or a different part of the floor. I end up picking it up later anyway, so why does it really matter? It helps me de-stress if I can use up some energy, but it's not allowed. It's me creating more mess. Like it's really going to make that much of a difference in the slum we are currently living in... I tidied the stuff I threw yesterday (two carrier bags for the record, but I may as well have emptied every shelf and cabinet onto the floor the way he carried on about it) and chucked out some junk that has been accumulating for far too long. I have a lot more floor than I started with, so that's a plus. Just have to find the rest of the carpet now...

Ah well, I might manage to work out what this sense is. If I do, I shall let you know... Meanwhile, I shall be doing housework if anyone wants me. No clue what himself will be doing however, but hey ho, I'm not expecting miracles.


Blogger Angel - Having a Nemesis said...

I'm almost tempted to fly out there and help with the reorganization. I hate doing it with my own house (although moving tends to sort it all out anyway), but I love to do it with everyone else.

I love the blue idea for the kitchen. Although I'm more a fan of the robin egg blue myself. I think it looks smart with blonde wood and white or cream accents. I saw a fantastic kitchen recently done that way, and if my own new kitchen weren't this fabulous shade of bet your ass I'd be redecorating.

9:09 pm  

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