Sunday, July 30, 2006

Lazy day...

I don't really feel like I've done all that much today. Thinking about it as well, I haven't done very much at all. Two days of activity and today my body has decided it's too damn tired.

I read another book today. Patricia Cornwell's At Risk. I have to say that although I'm a fan of her work, her latest books have left me somewhat disappointed really. I also have a few others to get on with, like Ken Follet's Pillars of the Earth, which is a very, very good book and highly reccommended if you want a good read. It's weighty, but that's good if you like meaty stories.

I did manage to do one thing today: Himself and I went to a wee shop in Devizes that sells fish. We really only went for a looksee, but we came away with some new stock for his big tank. When we got home, he fished out the sucking loach and the flying fox from my tank and rehomed them into his big one, then after the new ones were acclimatised, he let them go to. We now have 6 Silver Dollars and 2 male, 4 female Blue Congo Tetras. They're small, but they'll grow. Lots. Especially the Dollars. Call it an investment... OK, Poor joke, but it was needed. Really it was... They will actually grow to about 6 inches in length and are vegetarian versions of the phiranna, and look very much like them too...

I was looking through the local paper as well today. I've decided that I need to get myself a wee part-time job to keep some money coming in while I'm working on setting up my business. I saw a couple that appealed, so I'm going to do some ringing up about things tomorrow. The only qualms I have about it is that I have a terrible sick record, as I was off for a whole year almost with my last job. I shall wait and see. I could just do with some ready cash to help pay for things like material, or even food if it gets that bad, and I'm planning on going a couple of places as well, so I'll need some spending money.

It's half past six in the evening and I feel like going to bed already... Unheard of for me. I may just go get another book and go sit on the sofa for a while, or maybe just lie down on the bed and see if I doze off while reading...


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