Saturday, July 01, 2006

I'm really not having a good week...

My shoulder hurts... My neck does too. I was told it would take a couple of days for it to settle down, but it's still bothering me and it's 5 days later. I'm sure my body takes longer to sort itself out just to annoy me...

Anyway, that wasn't the drama of the last couple of days. That slot was taken by his fishtank.

It's worth pointing out that his tank is five feet in length, two feet tall, and a foot and a half wide. For those that don't do imperial measurements, please look it up. I don't do metric too well. It sits on a cabinet that's designed to hold the weight of it, and keep all the gubbins in, while still looking fairly stylish in a kind of oak-look finish.

Anyway, his pump was making funny noises and blowing bubbles into the fish tank. It sits in a cupboard underneath, as it is a nifty external filter, which means you don't have to stick your hands in the tank to sort it out. I phoned him to tell him about it. He said not to worry and he'd look at it when he got home from work. I thought no more about it, and came up here with my babysitter (yes, I need one because I've not been too mobile after my little drama on Sunday) to do some work on some posters for the vehicle show.

We got all creative and didn't give the fishtank another thought. Silly us.

By the time we'd done all the bits we had to do and got back down the stairs, we had definitely forgotten about the fishtank making silly noises and sat on the sofa to have a cup of tea that the babysitter had made. She then noticed that the carpet was wet...

You guessed it... The filter had decided to leak. Onto the floor. One inch of water out the tank, and it was all over my floor. One inch depth from a very large tank, probably equivalent to about 12 gallons, on my carpet. Not even nice clean water either. It's very fishy, slightly brackish water. It was also in the cupboard, with the electrics for the pump sitting in a small puddle. I unplugged it from the mains and decided I didn't want to touch that plug for a while. So I was left with a puddle in the cupboard, and water leeching out across the floor in an ever expanding puddle as the carpet soaked it all up. I had no way of getting the carpet dry either.

Himself, ever the hero, went and bought me a Vax today. You can shampoo carpets with it, or, as in this case, clear up very large quantities of water off a carpet that has been fistanked to death. He did some of the work, and I did some too, although he was more energetic about it than I was. I kept stopping for a break when it was getting too much, but one thing I have a little luxury of is time. The only problem is that I can't move the tank, so the carpet underneath... well, I don't hold out much hope for it, but I have no intention of moving the fishtank just yet, so I'm going to quietly ignore it unless it starts going nasty.

Tomorrow I am going to shampoo the carpet, because my lounge currently smells like the inside of a soggy, overused, smelly running shoe. How delightful.

OK, that's two things this week. What's going to be number three? Anyone want to put a bet on anything here?


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