Friday, July 28, 2006

It's still too hot...

I have so much to do and absolutely no energy to do it... I've decided while sorting through my clean washing that I am going to be ruthless in my wardrobe and drawers again. I have too much stuff and too little space. Very little gets worn to be honest, and although I know I will fit into some of it some day, there's no point having it filling space right now. I will possibly shove some of it into an old suitcase and shove it in the loft in case I do manage to lose a few inches, but for the most part, it's going.

The past fortnight has taught me that I can get by on a bare minimum of stuff. I don't really need a huge amount of things, and having two chest of drawers full as well as the wardrobe is just excessive, especially when it still won't all fit. I may even do the same with my kitchen and slim all that down again as well. I got rid of a load of stuff not that long ago, but I seem to have accumulated again.

We have too much junk in this house. I know I have added to it somewhat with my material collection, which is ever expanding as I find more things that would make nice linings and so on for christening gowns, but once I start sewing I might manage to slim it down somewhat. I do need to find a space I can dedicate to my sewing though, and frankly, with the amount of stuff we have, that's not happening right now. Perhaps a little persuasion in the right direction and himself will get his shed sorted out. That way, some of the junk can move out there instead of cluttering up in here. I won't hold my breath for it though.

First things first: Get all the washing done and clear out the drawers, then clear out the dining room and living room. If we don't use it, don't need it or don't want it, it goes. End of.

Oh, how I would love a minimalist life, but I've inherited my mum's love of stuff and my dad's love of clutter...


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