Saturday, July 29, 2006

I think I'm getting somewhere...

I'm nearing the bottom of the washing pile and the bedroom is looking tidier. Doing all of this is making me wonder what life really has in store for me, and whether I will be just a housewife with an occasional hobby of making christening gowns on the side or whether I will really have a profitable business venture going on.

I'd like to be able to say I'll make millions, but I'm a realist. I might make enough for a few treats here and there, but we shall wait and see. In the mean time, I need to get on and clear some more space so I can actually get some work done, but it's taking time to do. Possibly because I'm sat here writing this, but then again, there's loads there, and I've been doing it a bit at a time. I've unpacked and sorted through all of my stuff. Now I have to unpack all of his. I'd leave it for him to do, but it would just live in the bags if I did that, with himself doing the "I can't find my..." for the next few months till I got tired of it and unpacked anyway.

I spoke to my neighbour yesterday as well and we are back on the excersises as of Monday. I never did manage to fit into my shorts for Beltring, but it hasn't waned my enthusiasm for getting fitter and slimming down a bit. I may even get my bike from the locker on the station and start cycling again, although that will mean I will have my bike cluttering up the house as well as all the rest of the junk... Perhaps I can persuade himself to go see his parents today and talk about that shed thing he keeps saying he's going to get...

Just as an aside, I keep getting a sense of excitement, anticipation of an event, and I have no idea what it is. I find myself getting all worked up and really looking forward to... what? I don't know, but it's beginnig to bug me. I don't have anything planned other than a trip to Wales at some point, a brief trip to my parents at the end of August and a week in October taking one of my neighbours' children up to mum and dads for a week during her school holidays. None of these are the things that are giving me this sense of anticipation.

Ah well, I shall go do more around the house. Time to go chuck things out...


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