Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Back From The Wars Part II

OK, the storm last night was a doozy, and there was another at 5 this morning. It was too hot to sleep, so I went and sat out the back and watched the lightning for a bit. Anyway, on with the holiday report.

I managed to get to drive a couple of vehicles while I was at the show. This might not sound too strange to most of you, but I've not passed my driving test as yet. It was dead exciting to get to drive a Jeep and then I got to drive a landrover as well! On my own! Shocking stuff really, but I managed fine, even though one was a left-hand drive, and the other was right-hand. I'm now determined to pass my test this year. I just have to work out the funds to do it, but I'm sure I will be fine.

Most nights we had a few drinks and a laugh as well, and it was always warm in the evenings, so sitting out was fine. The only downside was the mozzies that were vicious. I had on bug repellant and long trousers and I found one biting me through them! I squished it.

Oh, I almost forgot the laugh we had on the setup of the field. We were puting out the bins around the field, big oil drums that we loaded onto a trailer upside down, then as we were towed round the site we had to drop them off at bin points. Now, I don't know if you've already worked this one out, but an upside down oil drum makes a brilliant percussion instrument. We had our own band on the back of the trailer, and one of the girls found some scaffolding clamps and was using them as a triangle. The only problem was that the band got a bit quieter when we had nearly finished, but we had to pick up more bins, so it was fine after that. We probably annoyed a couple of early campers with our antics, but hell, they're early, so they can live with it... heh.

I also forgot another downer on the holiday: The fish. We had a neighbour looking after the fish and he came in one day to find our big tank all cloudy, over heated and all the fish dead. Not good. That's another job to do this week- clean out the tank and get a new filter and heater for it, since we think both packed up.

I'm slowly working through the washing now. There's a lot to do: Two weeks worth of everything, changing every day because it was so hot. It's still hot, so I think I will retreat to somewhere cooler for a bit.

More to come on the holiday stories...


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